Thursday 5 March 2015

Castles, Castles Everywhere!

Meet Kindergarten Royalty! Our Kinders have expressed interest in castles, princes, princesses and knights! We have supported their curiosity by cocreating our very own classroom castle in the dramatic area. Crowns and proper attire have made dress-up extra exciting! We have read books about castles and looked at castles from around the world. Table top writing activities have been introduced such as writing about what they would do "If I were a princess...." The students also worked hard on constructing castles from blocks and other open ended materials such as papertowl rolls and Popsicle sticks! We have reminded our students to use our royal manners at times!! What fun we are having!

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Outdoor Play

As the weather outside is finally warming up, we would appreciate if you could send in extra mittens and socks in case the children get wet.  We spend approximately up to 45 minutes in total outside (in the morning, at lunch and end of day).