Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Hands on Fun!

Sensory play is always a fun time for our Kinders. It is a chance to get their hands dirty as they test concepts such as volume or engage in pretend play as they take on the role of a chef! They are so engaged in their play that it is a great exercise in increasing one's attention span! 


Technology In The Classroom

Students in the FDKP are exposed to technology as a tool to enhance their learning and engage them as they learn various concepts. They are given ample opportunities to use the Smart Board and IPads. 


Friday, 31 October 2014

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Printing Practice

Students need many opportunities to engage in print. Writing in cards, printing letters using a dry erase marker, printing with chalk or simply signing one's name on artwork strengthen a students ability to print and offering a variety of opportunities to practice makes it fun. As students practice they develop confidence in their abilities and are more willing to challenge themselves to print not only their name but then move on to printing words and small sentences.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Magnetic Letters

 Providing a variety of hands on activities for our Kinders to play with letters helps foster letter recognition and as we encourage students to manipulate and combine letters to make their name or small words it challenges them. The following pictures demonstrate how students are using magnetic letters on a baking sheet as they spell their names. 

French Picture Books

Our Kindergarten program has our students exposed to literacy in both English and French. It is important to hear a language because strengthening oral language has a positive impact on reading and writing skills. 

Games with Rules

Playing games with rules is a fun way to practice skills such as turn taking and following instructions.  In the following pictures, friends are playing Snakes and Ladders which is an opportunity to strengthen one's number recognition and practice counting to 100.   

Puzzles, Puzzles, Everywhere!

Our students enjoy working on various puzzles which helps strengthen fine motor skills and one's hand/eye coordination. Also, as students work together they are using expressive language and problem solving skills to complete their puzzle. Proud Kinders!

Importance of Pretend Play

The following pictures show our students participating in pretend play. Pretend play is not only fun and can foster friendships with peers but there is a lot of learning that takes place as a result. Students are able to act out scenarios which promotes a positive emotional affect, mathematical concepts can be practiced and language skills are practiced as students plan and execute their play.

"Play nourishes every aspect of children's development - it forms the foundation of intellectual, social, physical, and emotional skills necessary for success in school and in life. Play paves the way for learning." (Canadian Council on Learning as found in the Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program. Pg.13).